Our Services


Bible Study

7:30 pm


Thank you for visiting the site of God’s Word of Deliverance Apostolic Faith Church, Inc. (GWODAFC), “Where People Are Being Delivered By The Word”.  We have many exciting and growing ministries designed to serve everyone by providing ways to enrich your life and faith.  Located at 3814 Folger Street in Houston, Texas, we are a growing church that serves Houston and its surrounding communities.

We cordially invite you to join us for worship during one of our services. Come visit and see for yourself what great things God is doing in our midst.  Feel free to browse our sight, listen to some of our messages and read our vision that explains the focus, faith and culture of our church.

We embrace the importance of family (both naturally and spiritually), the relevance of God’s Word and the fact that God has a purpose for every life.  We are a multi-cultural church who embraces the diversity of God’s people.

We hope to see you at GWODAFC!

Events and Services

Mar 9

Sunday Service

10:00 am
Mar 16

Sunday Service

10:00 am
Mar 23

Sunday Service

10:00 am
Mar 30

Sunday Service

10:00 am

Oh, Be Careful Little Tongue....

By: Minister Lucretia Jelks

Oh, Be Careful Little Tongue…   Oh, be careful little …Read More

Contact Information

God's Word of Deliverance Apostolic Faith Church

3814 Folger St
Houston, Texas   77093
t. 281-536-3306
CHURCH@godswordofdeliverance.org, GWODAFC@aol.com

Verse of the Day